Genre: Fantasy/Scifi/Action
Book Rating: 7.5
Personal Rating: 7.5
This book was definitely a roller-coaster ride read for me. The characters personalities where well defined. There is awesome modern technology. And it had a healthy helping of steam. It was obvious that the author put a lot of thought into plotting out a very detailed and well crafted plot. There was more than enough to love about this book, however, the story doesn't end here.
Lets start of with what I loved. The characters. Especially the women characters. Strong, bold determined and kickass. That's just the way women should be in books. These women did not need a superman to come in and swoop them away like the helpless stereotypes that they clearly are not in this book. The men were equally as entertaining. Not just your typical kill first and ask questions later kind of heroes. Everyone had a certain depth that made me care about each one of them to a degree if not entirely.